Mateo, CA
§ Background
In 1987, the
County developed one of the first county-organized care plans called
the Health Plan of San Mateo (HPSM). The Health Plan provided a managed
care model for the County's Medi-Cal recipients. The Health Plan
is a community provider for the Healthy Families Program (CHIP).
Currently, all of the County's hospitals and 90% of its private
physicians are part of its provider network. An independent,
locally controlled Health Commission oversees the HPSM. In 1993,
the Hispanic Coalition (a non-profit comprised of 20 Latino
organizations) and the health Services Agency formed the Nuestro Canto
de Salud Health Coalition to assess and address Year 2000 health
objectives specific to the county's Latino population. In 1997,
the Health Services Agency began discussions with San Mateo County
Central labor Council (AFL-CIO) to develop programs to expand access
to low income union workers and their families to have affordable
healthcare. These four organizations began having discussions in
early 1999 to find mutual and beneficial solutions to expanding access
for low income uninsured residents.
The potential of
funding through the RWJF Communities in Charge planning grant caused
us to expand the Steering Committee. The Steering Committee
currently also includes three unions (Local 715, Local 340, and Local
1877), three Chamber of Commerce (including the Hispanic Chamber),
other minority community-based organizations (Filipino Bayanihan
Resource Center, Asian-American Recovery Services, and The Hospital
Consortium), comprised of the Chief Executive Officers of local
hospitals, and a representative from the Chair of the State Insurance
Committee. Healthcare on the uninsured in San Mateo County is
currently provided by the San Mateo County Division of Hospital and
Clinics. The Davison provides acute, [primary and preventive
care services through San Mateo County General Hospital and network of
13 clinics located throughout the County. The clinics are
projected to provide over 200,000 visits in the fiscal year 1999-2000.
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§ Guiding
1996, the Health Services Agency introduced the WELL (wellness, education,
linkage, low cost) Program as a way to reduce costs and increase fees received
for caring for indigent adults. The WELL Program is the County's reduced
fee program for medically indigent adults. Eligible patients electing to
joining WELL pay a flat annual fee and co-payments for actual visits. In
fiscal year 1998-1999, approximately $2.3 million was generated from annual
payments and co-pays. While this is only 11% of the total cost of care, it
was a 100% increase over the previous sliding fee scale methodology. There
are over 9,000 WELL enrollees. The proposed program entails expanding WELL
into a larger system of care to meet the needs of our target population.
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§ Initial
Project Objectives
Program Expansion - Add
a Nurse Specialist to assess and triage clients enrolling in WELL to assign
appropriate primary care providers and provide health education. Employ
Patient Services Assistants to enroll and link families in Medi-Cal, Healthy
Families and other benefit programs and community workers to work in the
community to support and promote WELL.
Disease Prevention - El Concilio's Nuestro Canto de Salud program uses
"promoters" (Para professionals who provide bi-lingual health
outreach/education), community workers and nurse educators to provide outreach,
disease education and preventive care to reduce chronic conditions and case
manage patients. This model will be expanded and replicated in the
African-American, Filipino, and Pacific Islander populations.
Labor Council to
develop specialized assessments, education packages and health management plans
tailored to prevent health problems associated with employment.
Provider Network
Expansion - We intend to create a seamless network of care between WELL and
The Health Plan of San Mateo Medi-Cal network that will effectively maximize and
manage costs.
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& Outreach Strategy
Financing Strategy
The WELL Program is
currently subsidized through state reimbursement and County General Fund
subsidy. The Steering Committee, with technical assistance, will explore
several opportunities to finance the expansion. These include increasing
the fee structure, integrating WELL with Medi-Cal coverage, marketing and
selling WELL as a benefits package and pooled coverage. One of the main
outcomes of the planning grant's four objectives is to tailor the program that
meets the unique needs of our community.
Outreach Strategy
As a prelude to targeted
outreach, the program will contract with El Concilio and the labor Council to
coordinate 5-9 community forums. These forums, while promoting the WELL
Program, will be used to develop health profiles of those attending and to
identify barriers to the target population seeking health care and/or purchasing
health insurance. The Labor Council in collaboration with the Health
Department will also develop worksite Health Promotions to outreach to
underserved populations such as in-home support workers, hotel and restaurant
workers and custodians. El Concilio has been successful in the development
of their "promoters" program. They have trained community
members in health promotion and risk reduction. Stipends for working an
average of 20 hours per week are given as an incentive for participation.
The "promoter" program will be expanded to other ethnic groups and
will be one of the main strategies used to outreach the target population.
Delivery System
Much of the network to
support the WELL Program's medical care is already in place through the
development of Health Service's system of integrated care in the County's
low-income areas. There are currently 11 community clinics, two adolescent
health clinics and a mobile Health Clinic. In addition, the County is
building a new hospital complex with three new facilities; acute medical and
psychiatric unit, and inpatient long-term care unit and a diagnostic and
treatment center. It is expected that the delivery system will expand to
include The Health Plan of San Mateo's provider network. Health prevention
services such as pre-natal care, health education, preventive screenings,
immunizations, mental health promotion, nutrition and lifestyle education are
provided at these clinic sites. Cultural-based chronic disease programs
are and will be integrated into their established sites.
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providers, community based organizations, labor unions and local business' in
San Mateo County have come together to establish a working coalition with the
political and program clout to assess and select the most feasible options for
expanding the number of uninsured served by the County's WELL Program.
Using four main objectives, strategies will be designed to overcome barriers to
obtaining insurance and to organize networks to work with and through the WELL
Program as a bridge to consistent care and comprehensive benefit options.
Building: Our major challenge that the program has and will continue
to face is the brining together of community leadership that may be in
conflict. Phased-in actions will be used to maintain leadership on the
coalition. A Steering Committee made up of leaders from key organizations
will be the focal point for coalition efforts. Interview's with
stakeholders (e.g.., unions, small businesses, cities, and the non-profit
sector) will describe the basic goals of WELL, their perceptions of problems
faced by the uninsured, and interest in joining a coalition to promote health
benefits for the uninsured. Community Insurance Health Forums will be held
to promote and cultivate interest.
Assessment: In addition to affordability, there remain serious gaps in
resources and services for the uninsured such as language, discrimination and
cultural beliefs, continuous primary care gaps in improving the health of
workers in service and part-time jobs. A four-part community assessment
process will identify and analyze gaps in services, reasons that families are
uninsured relative to ethnicity, citizenship, occupation, the health
consequences of being uninsured and an analysis of providers currently
delivering care to the uninsured. The four are: multi-cultural community
health assessment, a union worker profile, and employer benefits survey and a
survey of healthcare providers.
Because WELL is a "safety net" program that is designed to provide
affordable and accessible primary and preventive healthcare to the indigent, it
will never be self-supporting in its present structure. The key will be to
analyze the costs and risks associated with various service packages and
feasible financial strategies to support these services with minimum risk.
Some of the strategies are mentioned above in financing.
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Mateo County, located immediately south of San Francisco, is the service and
geographic area for the project. San Mateo County is located at the San
Francisco Peninsula between Santa Clara and San Francisco Counties. The
County's 1997 population was estimated at 711,000. Immigration continues
to change the ethnic mix of this population. In 1970, the County's
population was 91% White. In 1997 the racial make-up was 55% White 20.5%
Latino; 19% Asian-Pacific Islander, 4.8% African American and 0.4% American
Indian/Other. San Mateo is a wealthy county; however, it has poor and
vulnerable people who are the focus of the project's mission.
Mateo County continues to have one of the lowest unemployment rates in the
nation. In 1999, that rate was 1.4%. Despite this, nearly 1 in 5
residents lack health insurance. A recent study by the Lewin Group
estimated that 131,000 county residents were without health insurance. The
State of Health Insurance in California, "1997" published by UCLA
Center for Health Policy Research estimated that 15,000 to 18,000 children ages
0-8 were among this group. The Report also noted that 84% of the uninsured
are members of working families.
economic success of Silicon Valley, which includes southern San Mateo County and
the biotech industry in South San Francisco, has increased housing prices in
what had previously been lower income and working class neighborhoods. In
1999, the median home price was $400,000. Rising rents (the average 1998
rent for a 2-bedroom apartment was $1,300 a month) are forcing working class and
low-income families to relocate to more affordable neighborhoods or leave San
Mateo County altogether.
trend, combined with immigration, has caused communities such as East Palo Alto
and North Fair Oaks to become increasingly overcrowded and populated by families
barely making the rent and doubling and tripling up with their families to
survive. This has caused families to make hard choices and forego health
insurance because of the need to pay the rent. This in turn deepened the
poverty and risk factors contributing to individual and family health
problems. This points to a target population that is employed in low
paying service jobs without benefits and who are more likely than not to be
immigrants living in cramped and crowded housing. The project is defining
the target population as adults aged 18-64 under 200% of federal poverty without
insurance. Based on recent US Census estimates that 16% of the County's
1997 population is under 200% of poverty, 113,712 residents fall into this
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Operating Officer
Mateo Health Services Agency
of Hospitals & Clinics
- 39th Avenue
Mateo, CA 94403
(650) 573-2406
(650) 573-2030
Web Address:
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